Had a yarn with Karl on broadband plans and how a new survey from iSelect shows that Aussies are overspending when it comes to broadband plans. It appears that when signing up for a plan, people don’t take into consideration future use (why would you?) and thus when they use more bandwidth they have to pay for it.
One way to make sure you have the right plan is to ring your current provider and ask them directly, or use a broadband comparison tool (like iSelect), which offers up webpage where you fill in drop down menus with information such as how many movies you download a month, how much music you download, how many family members there are etc, and it will calculate the best play for you out there.
Aussies need to get a little smarter when it comes to making plans with their broadband. While prices in comparison with downloads amounts available (ie, more bang for your buck), if you are really canny, and take a good look at your needs, there are plenty of dollars to be saved.