Life & Technology – 2GB 10th Jun, 2023

Best Android Phones 2023 – $200 to $2000 (guide June 2023 update)

Most of the 2023 models have been released, and there are some gems in our Best Android Phones 2023.

This list is not quite complete. It generally does not include earlier 2022 models runout models sold by authorised retailers and Telcos. We do not include grey market – Read Don’t buy a grey market phone (guide). Nor do we recommend refurbished phones – read Buying a second-hand or refurbished phone. Bargain or other person’s problem.

A few things are clear from Best Android Phones 2023  
– Prices have generally risen 10-20%, but smartphone sales are stagnant, so there are a few bargains out there. It pays to wait for Black Friday and other seasonal discounts.
– Smartphone component supply has improved, but we are seeing more using lower-cost camera sensors and processors and more not supplying a charger inbox – Samsung, Apple, Nokia and Google Pixel. Vote with your wallet and buy a decent third-party GaN charger from Anker, Belkin, or ALogic but make sure they have the RCM C-Tick mark certified for use here.
– The overall 2023 range is much smaller than 2022. Motorola is the exception and has phones in most brackets.
– Run-out sales for 2022 are almost over. Most 2023 models are incremental upgrades; you don’t lose much by buying last year’s model.
– Warranty is still a huge issue. Look for at least a 24-month warranty
– And operating system upgrades and security patch support time is becoming more important.


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Guests and Topics on the Show

Last week, motorola released their razr 40 range, today on the show we invited Kurt Bonnici Head of Motorola for Australia and New Zealand to talk us through on this new amazing phones. 

motorola’s razr 40 series is the latest foldable from the company, bringing a new design and new hardware to the popular phone.

This new design slims the bezels down even further and narrows the gap from the hinge when the phone is closed.

Apple’s WWDC 2023 kicked off last June 5 and we invited Mike Boyd CEO, Founder
from Contact Light, and discussed the key announcements of this year’s even