A fair few enquiries with regard to as query I had on the Steve Price Show about travelling overseas with your own mobile and how much it will cost.
Well, it can be expensive, but there is a solution. Once service is called TravelSim, but there are a number of competing brands around.
You buy a SIM card, open an account and attach your credit card to pay for the credit and then start using your phone. When you run out of credit your account is automatically debited to refresh with credit. The benefit is a lower price for calls received and made when you are overseas (and SMS, too).
When you are at the airport change your voicemail of your normal phone to say ‘you are out of the country and this is your global SIM number while overseas’ and people ring you back on the new international SIM card.
It’s easy, it’s cheaper and it means you can have a phone when you go overseas and not get a massive headache when you get home and look at the phone bill.