I Just Deleted Twitter from my Smart Phone

I love Twitter, but for me it is a work tool. As I spend so much time focused on technology, it is nice to rekindle my love of the subject by taking some time off every once in a while. I do this on the weekends.

So, for removing Twitter, the crux of it was a discussion I had with my wife that started with a fair question, ‘If Twitter is a work tool, what is the point of you checking twitter over the weekend when you are not working’?

At the time I was reading comments about the Queensland election, thinking what a bad day those pollies must be having. So, it was not work related, more aimed at educating me on all this political stuff as I don’t really understand politics (not like I get technology anyway!). However, 70+ on one team to 7+ on another doesn’t take much to understand a bad result for the 7+ side. So I was trying to ascertain what it was all about, and was doing this via Twitter.

So, as I am readying Twitter my wife is talking to me and I am not listening, and then the question above was asked. It is really difficult when you are doing something and you realise your better half is right. So I made a decision. I deleted the Twitter app from my phone.

Twitter has been a staple smart phone app for me. It delivers overnight information on key product releases, tells me what my media mates are saying about whatever is the trending story, and most of all it is a great channel for you to connect with me with your questions. However, none of that is needed on the weekends and as Twitter acts like some kind of tractor beam – drawing me back to my smart phone, particularly over the weekend – the decision has been made; it’s gone!


So for Twitter I will be doing it from my desk at the office, my notebook PC on the road, or I’ll be adding it to my tablet for use when travelling wider afield, but no longer on my phone. If you tweet me over the weekend and I don’t reply until Monday, you now know why.