Today Show – iPhone vs Blackberry



Spoke with Karl today about how rival smartphone handsets are faring in what is a pretty cutthroat market. We compared the iPhone to the Blackberry.

Initially the iPhone started out as a handset aimed at consumers, but has slowly turned out to be a handy tool for business people. I was sitting having a beer with a six mates the other day and we got talking about handsets. Most were businessmen, and they used to be fans of the Blackberry – five of the six now have an iPhone.

Research in Motion’s Blackberry on the other hand started out as a business phone, but is also now trying to make inroads into the consumer space. One thing I like about the Blackberry is that if you use the email feature it is a lot more secure than using the iPhone and it uses less data.

Then, of course, there is the Google Android-based phones such as the HTC Desire, which I am currently using.

We also had a quick talk about Facebook and its privacy settings. While people are up in arms about it – and it sounds like the company needs to fix the privacy issues – at the end of the day you have handed over information willingly to a private enterprise company. I’m not saying they are right or wrong, just pointing out their point of view.