I spoke with Leila from the Today Show about rumours of the latest iPhone that might be released some time next month. Apple, being Apple, are not saying a thing, but we have had some clues as to what the new unit might look like.
For a start, it is thought that it might be skinner, but taller than the previous version, which means a bigger screen. It will most likely have the latest Apple mobile operating system, tentatively called iOS6, and an A6 microprocessor, which will make it a very fast device.
It is thought it will be 4G capable, although with the limited coverage in Australia and the moment, that feature would be negligible at best when making a decision to buy a unit.
Also, while we’re on the rumour merry-go-round with Apple, there are also stirrings about the company releasing a 7-inch version of the iPad. This is interesting in that it fills a gap between a smartphone and a tablet. The original Samsung Galaxy Tab was of a similar size, and it didn’t take long for the Japanese-based company to kick that one to the curb, even though it was a decent piece of technology.
Feature may include a mini-dock connector, back and front end camera and redesigned speakers. Watch this space.