On the show this week was Yolanda Strengers, Associate Professor from Monash University. She discussed about the research done which evaluated the benefits, opportunities and challenges of incorporating smart home devices into the homes and lives of older people living in regional communities.
“Older people are a marginalised demographic when it comes to the design of smart home devices and are often underrepresented in user studies,” said Monash University Project Lead, Associate Professor in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab, Yolande Strengers.
We also invited Matt Barr, Chief Product Officer of eftpos Australia.eftpos aims to have the QR code payments network in trial by mid-year, designed to be low cost and facilitate many value added opportunities for merchants and consumers. It is intended to seamlessly link loyalty, offers, receipts and more, while also driving deeper customer engagement. The national rollout is expected to be completed in 2022.
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Life and Technology – Saturday February 27th