On this week show, we invited Dean Williams, Partner Specialist Systems Engineer from Norton Lifelock to discuss about their latest report on Cyber Security.
Online criminal activity has led to feelings of anger, fear and anxiety. More than 2 in 5 Australians who detected unauthorised access to an account or device in the past 12 months felt angry (45%) or violated (42%), and around a third (32%) felt powerless. Nearly all (99%) took some action after detecting unauthorised access to their account(s), most commonly making password(s) stronger (60%) or contacting the company that the account was hacked from (42%). Around 3 in 10 turned to friend(s) (32%), family member(s) (31%), or went online to try and find help (29%), but only a quarter (25%) purchased security software or increased pre-existing security software.
We also re invited Mike Boyd, CEO, Founder from Contact Light, on the show and shared the latest announcements from the Apple even, ‘Spring Loaded’