Clip courtesy of the Today Show
It arrived this afternoon, apparently it would have been earlier but customs clearance took some time. It doesn’t matter, the Kindle, the version that will be sold to Australian gadget and reading freaks has arrived.
It’s white, clean, sleek and very cool. I have no doubt that very soon the world will be buying and reading e-books in greater numbers than paper based. Don’t get me wrong, I love a paper book. But just think, there will be no such thing as an ‘out of print’ book. If it is written, it will be able to be read.
Sure, Google and Amazon, and everyone else trying to lock up the market are about to have the mother of all brawls over who is the dominant e-book master. With all parties pushing to create the e-book equivalent of the iPod. However once the dust settles the result will be a reader that easy to use, easy to buy books and ofcourse the nextg big thing.
To see what the Kindle looks like tune in to the Today Show at 8:20am on Monday October 19th.